Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 3 for Sketch #87 and Design Team Creations for Sketch #88

Hello! Happy Wednesday to all our crafty friends!

It is time again to announce out Top 3 from Sketch #87. Our top three are all very talented and are introduced in no particular order!(sorry, blogger didn't save my addition of the top 3 earlier)
Kathy Schweinfurth
Donna Davis


Congratulations ladies! Please feel free to grab our "Top 3" blog badge from the right sidebar and display it proudly!

Along with our Top 3 from Sketch #87 and our Design Team's Creations, but we are also have a guest designer this week for Sketch #88, Lisa Stenz. Be sure to scroll down for the great designs from our design team and then head on back to Sketch #87 to see all of the awesome entries for even more crafty, creative inspiration!
Michelle - My Creations With Michelle

Lisa Stenz - Guest Designer


  1. Great artwork everyone! So much inspiration in just one place :) Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you SO much for being one of the top 3! Congrats to the other beautiful winners as well!
