Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Top 3/4 from Sketch # 320 & Design Team Creations for Sketch #321

Hello! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Today is the day that we announce our Top 3 designs from Sketch # 320but this week we just needed to showcase all four entrants from last week, because they were all fabulous, and we loved them all. 


Heather Mills


PJs Projects

Congratulations on your great designs ladies! Please feel free to grab out “Top 3” blog badge from the right side bar and display it proudly. For even more great designs, jump on back and check out all of the great entries to Sketch # 320 here.

Wednesday is a fun day, not only do we announce our Top 3 but we also get to bring you the fun and creative creations from our Design Team for Sketch # 321 .


  1. congrats all Challenge participants
    thanks so much Team for pick up my card , im so super happy :) :)
    have a great great day , hugs from Chile

  2. Congrats all Challenge participants
    Thanks so much Team for pick up my card.
    Love from Diny
